Living Hope International maintains a domestic and international ministry which will:
1. Obey and imitate our savior Jesus Christ by making disciples, boldly preaching His Word, and compassionately serving others.
2. Help fulfill the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20)
3. Afford a high priority to encourage local churches to engage in missional living for Jesus both domestically and internationally.
4. Actively support ministry work in the United States, Romania and Moldova and other countries as selected by the LHI Board.
5. Give priority in missions support to target un-reached people groups and responsive groups.
6. Seek to produce in members of local churches a mind set of strategic participation in the critical task of completing the Great Commission.
7. Encourage active participation in short-term and career missions, as well as in non-traditional efforts to reach societies not accessible through conventional means to the message of Jesus Christ.
8. Send and support career missionaries from local churches.